Saturday, May 9, 2009


Ever wondered what our elected members get up to when away on an overseas junket? Look no further than the Parliamentary website.

Travel reports dating back to 2002. From Tom Koutsantonis's epic 2-page report detailing his month in Greece, to the Attorney-General's tome weighing in at a hefty 50Mb.

To whet your appetite.

April of 2008, our Attorney-General visited the United Kingdom, Poland and Turkey. And he wasn't on his lonesome. Included in the 'Delegation ' were the Honourable Dennis Hood MLC, the Member for Bright Miss Chloe Fox, and the Member for Norwood Miss Vini Ciccarello. Also tagging along was the AG's Chief of Staff, Mr Peter Louca.

Here's a couple of eyeball-opening gems from that report:

''....Charlton Athletic ( a football club in England ) marked its 100th birthday on 9 June, 2005 with the unveiling of the Sam Bartram statue. Charlton is set to start a new campaign with 17,500 season-ticket holders behind them as they attempt to bounce back to the Premier League....'

'...the key aim of the counter-terrorism strategy is to reduce the risk we face from international terrorism so that people can go about their business freely and safely...'

Mick, I could have told you that one for nuffin!

And from Tom Koutsantonis:

'...Thanked the Greek Government for the honour of awarding Premier Mike Rann with
the Order of the Phoenix, the highest civilian award that can be bestowed on any
civilian Greek or Foreigner...'

I'm a bit short of words for that revelation!

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