Friday, May 8, 2009


Again The Advertiser, in its Editorial this morning, has echoed the call for an Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) for the state of South Australia. And it appears there is only one person who does not agree......The Premier, Mr Mike Rann. As he puts it, it would lead to '....a lawyer's picnic...'
Well, picnic or no picnic, we better crank out the hampers as it will happen, and sooner than later. Why? One word springs to mind. Overwhelming.
The past 12 months has seen a flurry of events that would be perfect for a picnic by the river. Apart from the various Parliamentary Inquiries currently swamping staff at Parliament House, one in particular with its roots firmly implanted in workplace bullying and corruption allegations, the Office of the Public Trustee Inquiry, there now is the constantly unfolding South Australian Jockey Club (SAJC) drama.
As reported by the media this week, there will be two Inquiries into the SAJC. One conducted behind closed doors (in secret) by the Independent Gambling Authority as it invokes its Royal Commission-like powers. The other, in Parliament House on North Terrace courtesy of the Upper House. At least the Parliamentary Inquiry will be out there in the public spotlight.
But, like the mess I found myself in, these unfolding dramas, sometimes spread across months or even years, scream out for what is missing. A more direct route to addressing the issues.
In my case, it took me years to work my way through a labyrinth of bureaucracy. Had there been an ICAC, I doubt I would have lost nine years of my life.
I mentioned the Upper House. Our illustrious leader has inferred many times that he would like to see the Upper House go floating down some creek. Maybe past the growing numbers of picnickers. Wonder why!


Anonymous said...

Hey Rob. Great to see you hanging in there. I'm with you on the ICAC. Still struggling with my problems here at work. JJ.

Daniel Hill said...

I initiated the Parliamentary Inquiry into the Public Trustee with the help of Nick Xenophon. To this nameless, faceless ‘investigation’ I submitted indisputable and damning evidence, in writing, of endemic corruption involving the Public Trustee, Guardianship Board, Public Advocate, Crown Solicitor, even the Ombudsman. All these agencies come under the umbrella of the Attorney Generals Dept, and I can tell you there will never be an effective course of action for people being physically and verbally threatened, openly bullied, and ultimately dispossessed by this gangster government until an ICAC is introduced. This Labour State Government is in bed with big business and money talks; they are simply not interested in listening to those most vulnerable members of our community unable to afford to defend their inalienable legal rights and family interests.