Friday, May 14, 2010

Independent Commission Against Corruption. A Mike Rann smokescreen!

In a recent article, Attorney-General John Rau is quoted as saying he believed proponents of a local ICAC “have so far made a very poor case”.

I can but wonder to what proponents he has heeded. Certainly not me, and I am the poster boy for all that is wrong with the present system.

Starting with a single complaint in March of 2000, my anti-workplace bullying and corruption campaign devoured 10 years of my life, as I ducked and weaved my way through a myriad of sometimes overlapping investigatory bodies within the Justice Department. The crowning glory was a 2009 Parliamentary Inquiry, but not even that publicly unearthed the more licentious shenanigans of the government agency in question.

At one particular point I was dealing with four discrete bodies: the Government Investigation Unit, the Equal Opportunity Commissioner, the anti-corruption branch of SAPOL, and the state Ombudsman. Oh yes, and there was the Crown Solicitor’s Office, Workplace Services, Workcover, the Commissioner for Public Employment, and there were more!

My dear Mr Rau. Had I been able to take my early suspicions to a body other than one of the government’s own, just maybe I would not have suffered through years of torment and illness. Your system DOES NOT WORK. In particular, you CANNOT investigate yourself.

And don’t insult the people of this state with that worn old diatribe about a national ICAC. This party room smokescreen fools no one.

(Submitted to The Advertiser, 14 May 2010)


Anonymous said...
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The Hooded One said...

Rob, you know you are pissing in the wind, dont you? We got massive problems in our department and many know what is going on but we simply have no faith in the system. You are dead right. I noted with interest how your government agency's only focus was on protecting its reputation by trying to destroy yours particularly in 2004 when you went to court. The truth matters not my friend. You know that, we know that. Keep up the good work though. Don Chipp would be proud of you.

Anonymous said...

I am surprised you got as far as you did. Must be some sort of record. Good onya though.

AGD dissident said...

Hiya Rob. I dont fancy your chances of ever getting over the line with this one. Rann and Co are adamant there will not be a state ICAC as long as they are in power. And great to see we got an attorney general who does what hes told. Hopeless mate. SA is buggered.

Anonymous said...

Rob if you need any help with your current court case you know where to find me (LG). I hear the crown solicitors office hasnt changed much. I bet you are right up to your neck in crap. Saw the Crikey story. The more exposure the better. What I like about your style of reporting is the accuracy and the truthfulness of the matters. Stay in focus and keep the bastards honest!

ex public trustee said...

Every time we hear the anti ICAC yelp from the Labor government we are sickened. How the hell can anyone demand to be asked to investigate themselves. In one of your stories you mention being referred to the bully when you complained about him. How does that work? And she is a lawyer? Unreal. The bureaucracy needs a bloody good goin over. And its disgusting your friend passing away not long after getting out. Are they goping to look into that or not.

adelcomp said...

EX-EMPLOYEE: Of course they wont. I pesonally witnessed the bullying meted out to Brian, day after day. He reached out to me during his darkest times that were a result of the workplace bullying. He had to get out, like I did. Unfortunately, he unexpectedly passed away shortly after leaving. And you know what? NO ONE from within the bureaucracy gives a bloody toss!! I had to get out when I started having chest problems. The years of shit just got too much for me and my family.

John in London said...

Hello Rob. Been following your postings for ages. You would have a field day over here my friend. You should come over here and get stuck into this lot. I think your northern irish blood is what pumps that heart of goodness. Keep up the excellent work. Keep tilting.