Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Politicians love to travel

Martin Hamilton-Smith
Liberal Party
Member for Waite
14 May - 31 May 2009
Accompanied by his wife Stavroula Raptis.
I wonder if they just chuck a dart at a map on the wall. Or, quite possibly show a modicum of sincerity and truly represent the electorate by considering the ethnicity of the electorate they represent. (ABS web site, 2006 census)

In Mr Hamilton-Smith's case, the Greek community represents a meagre 3% of his electorate.

But, I am sure that the predominant Scottish, English, and Chinese groups will revel in his fact-finding mission!

So, what did he and the missus get up to? It is his report. I only quote from it:

'....Meet with government Ministers and officials to discuss a range of issues of interest to South Australians of Greek origin including the Macedonian question, the future of Cyprus, matters of concern to the Pontian community, immigration, the European elections and cultural matters....'

SOUND FAMILIAR? Should be. Martin, grab a brew and trot off to the Parliamentary Library and STUDY the Travel Reports of all the other North Terrace jetsetters.

Greece seems to be the second choice destination of South Australian politicians...after they have done London, that is!
'....Study the relationship between the village in Greece and individual communities in South Australia....'

You should stick to the interests of your own electorate. The others are probably popping off flashes at the Acropolis anyway!
'....I later travelled north to the Bulgarian border to visit the site of the defence of Greece from the Nazis....'

Doh!!! History Channel.

'....I was invited by a South Australian family of Greek origin to visit the village from which they migrated to Australia....'

Ah, I see you have latched on to the Attorney-General’s way of thinking..the good old INVITE!
Well, there you have it, the South Australian taxpayer buckaroo hard at work.

Hey, I got a great idea.

How about a Study Trip across to the parklands. Walking distance.

Go study the homeless mate!

Doss out for the night, and as you look up at the twinkly things, turn to whatever his name is and tell him about the future of Cyprus!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Another Parliamentary Travel Report

Hon Jack Snelling MP
Speaker of the House of Assembly
Member for Playford
United Kingdom, Scotland, France, and the Czech Republic
18 May - 2 June 2009
Accompanied by his Personal Assistant Mr Corey Harris

Well, here we go again. It appears our elected members cannot resist the titillation of diplomatic passports, Qantas free socks, and frequent flyer points.

We, the taxpayers of South Australia had a huge return on investment as evidenced by Jacko’s Travel Report:
……The Tour of Westminster, although brief, provided a fascinating insight into the Government of the United Kingdom…….The route of the speaker’s procession begins from the speaker’s office….Greg Knight is also drummer and founding member of the parliamentary rock group MP4.…’
Well, I do not know about you, but I was riveted to the floor with these revelations. I can just see bully boys Rann, Foley, Conlon, and Atkinson goin the old headbangin’ as The Enforcers, or Major Tom and his Ground Control Men.

And of course, the obligatory Barossa-lubricated lunch with good old Billy Maitland our ‘Man in Havana’ over there telling pale faced Poms all about the Barossa and Magic Mountain…..BILLY, IT’S GONE!!!!
And the rivets keep coming:

SCOTLAND‘…the Scottish parliament complex is several interconnecting buildings…the Scottish parliament also promotes the use of petitions…’
FRANCE‘…the buildings of the school were confiscated from the Church in 1905...’
And what do we have for our money? Jack Crap from Jack Snelling. Another beautifully crafted travelogue that belongs in the Advertiser‘s Travel Section.

Enjoy your flyer points, enjoy your free onboard toothpaste, and sleep well tonight knowing what a huge contribution you have made to the wellbeing of the people of South Australia…the people that pay ya!!!!
Polies.....everything you need to know about Westminster and WITHOUT GETTING OFF YER BUM: