Wednesday, December 30, 2009

One reason South Australia must get an ICAC


Many types of issues taken to the Equal Opportunity Commissioner (EOC) would not fall under the umbrella of an ICAC, an Independent Commission Against Corruption.

However, my experience with the EOC, of engaging with a Government investigative body, is relevant when propped against the current Labor Government’s opinion that this state is adequately served by a number of ICAC-like bodies.

On 27 February 2003, I lodged a complaint of racial discrimination,sexual harassment and victimization  against one Executive Manager and one Senior Manager of the Office of the Public Trustee, and a complaint against the Office of the Public Trustee arguing vicarious liability.

On 10 June 2003, the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity, Ms Linda Matthews sent a letter to Ms Catherine O’Loughlin, Public Trustee, seeking her response to my allegations.

Public Trustee Executive, upon receipt of this letter, consulted with EOC staff, and received assistance from that same staff to prepare the PT response for submission to the EOC! How the hell does that work?

On 2 July 2003, Ms Matthews received that response.

By letter dated 26 August 2003, the Commissioner, Ms Matthews advised me, in part:

‘I confirm that in my opinion your complaint is lacking in substance’

‘I am of the opinion that the Office of the Public Trustee took reasonable steps to prevent the behaviour from occurring’

‘I do not think that it could be established that the Office of the Public Trustee instructed, authorized or connived in the acts of sexual harassment’

As a result of this determination, I lodged a complaint against the EOC with the State Ombudsman, Mr. Eugene Biganovsky. He investigated, and by letter dated 2 April 2004, provided me with responses from Ms Matthews, which included:

Q. Did the EOC approach witnesses identified by the complainant?
Her answer: NO

Q. Did the EOC approach Public Trustee Human Resources?
Again her answer was NO.

 Although the Commissioner of Equal Opportunity fobbed me off, under the EO Legislation I had the right to request a hearing in the District Court in front of the Equal Opportunity Tribunal. And armed with Precedents, representing myself, I took on Crown Law. And I must say, it wasn’t that much of a challenge!!

25 June 2004, Judge Rice, Equal Opportunity Tribunal, District Court of South Australia:

We find that Mr McKibbin raised with Mr O’Neill, on a number of occasions before August, 2002, the sexually suggestive conduct and behaviour of Mr H. We are unable to say on how many occasions Mr McKibbin did so, but we consider it to be a significant number.

In our view, in this instance Public Trustee impliedly authorised Mr H’s conduct (and here we are not referring to management conduct or style) by doing nothing about Mr McKibbin complaints or not doing sufficient about them. In our view, Public Trustee has vicariously authorised that conduct

My experience with the EOC was one of huge frustration, and one of total bewilderment:


As a result of the Ombudsman’s findings, I did attend a Conciliation Conference with the EOC Deputy Commissioner, and one of the explanations offered was ‘…in hindsight it could have been handled better….’

As an aside, we now have the findings of the subsequent Parliamentary Inquiry of 2009, that also contradict the findings of the EO Commissioner, Ms Linda Matthews.

This is one of the many rungs I had to climb during the past 10 years, and it was one of the greasy rungs. It proved, initially, to be a total bloody waste of time. The findings of subsequent investigations undeniably confirm that the Commissioner for Equal Opportunity GOT IT WRONG!!!!

And what a bizarre journey it was, as I found myself lodging complaints against the bodies I had lodged complaints with. Go figure!

I can but wonder how many hapless souls have been to the EOC over the years, only to be ‘moved along’.

So, after years of whistleblowing, numerous inept investigations by various state government bodies, a Court Case, a 2-year Internal Investigation, and then a Parliamentary Inquiry you might think I am a happy chappy. Well, this happy chappy is now unemployed, broke, and fighting every bloody week to keep his family from being evicted. And all those people that looked to me for help during those years???? They seem to have forgotten how to click REPLY in their Email program.

Would I do it again? YEP!!!! Cuz it was the right and only thing to do.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Open Letter to the South Australian Premier Mike Rann

Dear Mister Premier and dear Mister Deputy Premier.

Mr Rann. Since the article in the weekend press concerning Kevin Foley and his personal troubles, you have gone to extraordinary lengths to attack and to criticise those who have displayed skepticism or simple incredulity about Kevin’s revelations.

Personally, and I am a very caring person, I could not give a rat’s ass about your moans & groans in this respect. Though, and if fair dinkum, I do feel for Kevin….been there, done that!

And this is why I do not give a rat's.

For years I suffered workplace bullying and victimisation within your public service, especially when I turned whistleblower and made allegations about corruption, bullying, and sexual misconduct within your Justice portfolio.

I wrote to you in 2004. I wrote to the Attorney-General in 2004. In fact, the list is short of those I did not write to.

I lost years of my life climbing the slippery ladders of your various investigatory bodies.

Ultimately, we wound up in court, where your Crown Law officers attempted to rip me to shreds, denial and defend at any cost. But eventually I took great delight in seeing and giving evidence to this year’s Parliamentary Inquiry into the Office of the Public Trustee.
Then it was great to hear that the 2-year-long investigation found one of the bad guys GUILTY. Vindication for my years of struggle, woe, and sacrifice. But then, he gets a sweetheart early retirement package........bloody criminal act!

During all those years I, not unlike many others, suffered terribly.

But where the hell where you? Where the hell was Atkinson? I wrote to you all. I pleaded for help. But.…nothing! You were my bloody boss and Big Kahuna of this state. YOU had a responsibilty to ensure I had a safe work environment.

Then, you turned your attentions to Workcover and slashed payments to injured workers, workers who sustained injury, particularly in YOUR workplace through no fault of their own.

And now you seek understanding of Kevin Foley’s problematic personal affairs and health? And more spectacularly, you are incredibly annoyed at the public probe into the backwash of you getting belted around the gob with a rolled-up magazine by a distraught ex-husband?

And then, to whack the ice on the cake, this morning on ABC891 you declared that it is not proper to comment on issues that are before the Court when asked about the alleged assault on you at the Wine Centre.

You know as well as I do that a simple Google will locate press articles that prove this statement to be somewhat questionable.

For my family and me you let us down, big time.

I have not worked since your people ‘forced’ me out by stealth 13 months ago. I am still crook, but why would you give a stuff.

And I notice that the bad guys are still gainfully employed within your public service and the only dead bodies I have encountered along the way were Whistleblowers.

You know, many months ago I made a promise that this wronged little Irish terrier will be snapping at your heels all the way through to the March 2010 election. Why? Because I want my piece of flesh mate! Your doing, not mine!! In this respect, your past has caught up with you.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Politicians love to travel

Martin Hamilton-Smith
Liberal Party
Member for Waite
14 May - 31 May 2009
Accompanied by his wife Stavroula Raptis.
I wonder if they just chuck a dart at a map on the wall. Or, quite possibly show a modicum of sincerity and truly represent the electorate by considering the ethnicity of the electorate they represent. (ABS web site, 2006 census)

In Mr Hamilton-Smith's case, the Greek community represents a meagre 3% of his electorate.

But, I am sure that the predominant Scottish, English, and Chinese groups will revel in his fact-finding mission!

So, what did he and the missus get up to? It is his report. I only quote from it:

'....Meet with government Ministers and officials to discuss a range of issues of interest to South Australians of Greek origin including the Macedonian question, the future of Cyprus, matters of concern to the Pontian community, immigration, the European elections and cultural matters....'

SOUND FAMILIAR? Should be. Martin, grab a brew and trot off to the Parliamentary Library and STUDY the Travel Reports of all the other North Terrace jetsetters.

Greece seems to be the second choice destination of South Australian politicians...after they have done London, that is!
'....Study the relationship between the village in Greece and individual communities in South Australia....'

You should stick to the interests of your own electorate. The others are probably popping off flashes at the Acropolis anyway!
'....I later travelled north to the Bulgarian border to visit the site of the defence of Greece from the Nazis....'

Doh!!! History Channel.

'....I was invited by a South Australian family of Greek origin to visit the village from which they migrated to Australia....'

Ah, I see you have latched on to the Attorney-General’s way of thinking..the good old INVITE!
Well, there you have it, the South Australian taxpayer buckaroo hard at work.

Hey, I got a great idea.

How about a Study Trip across to the parklands. Walking distance.

Go study the homeless mate!

Doss out for the night, and as you look up at the twinkly things, turn to whatever his name is and tell him about the future of Cyprus!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Another Parliamentary Travel Report

Hon Jack Snelling MP
Speaker of the House of Assembly
Member for Playford
United Kingdom, Scotland, France, and the Czech Republic
18 May - 2 June 2009
Accompanied by his Personal Assistant Mr Corey Harris

Well, here we go again. It appears our elected members cannot resist the titillation of diplomatic passports, Qantas free socks, and frequent flyer points.

We, the taxpayers of South Australia had a huge return on investment as evidenced by Jacko’s Travel Report:
……The Tour of Westminster, although brief, provided a fascinating insight into the Government of the United Kingdom…….The route of the speaker’s procession begins from the speaker’s office….Greg Knight is also drummer and founding member of the parliamentary rock group MP4.…’
Well, I do not know about you, but I was riveted to the floor with these revelations. I can just see bully boys Rann, Foley, Conlon, and Atkinson goin the old headbangin’ as The Enforcers, or Major Tom and his Ground Control Men.

And of course, the obligatory Barossa-lubricated lunch with good old Billy Maitland our ‘Man in Havana’ over there telling pale faced Poms all about the Barossa and Magic Mountain…..BILLY, IT’S GONE!!!!
And the rivets keep coming:

SCOTLAND‘…the Scottish parliament complex is several interconnecting buildings…the Scottish parliament also promotes the use of petitions…’
FRANCE‘…the buildings of the school were confiscated from the Church in 1905...’
And what do we have for our money? Jack Crap from Jack Snelling. Another beautifully crafted travelogue that belongs in the Advertiser‘s Travel Section.

Enjoy your flyer points, enjoy your free onboard toothpaste, and sleep well tonight knowing what a huge contribution you have made to the wellbeing of the people of South Australia…the people that pay ya!!!!
Polies.....everything you need to know about Westminster and WITHOUT GETTING OFF YER BUM:

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Why are we paying so much for secondhand trams Minister?

Dear Minister Conlon.


On 3 August 2004, Alstom announced details of an order from Mintra in Spain for the supply of 70 CITADIS 302 vehicles for Madrid's future light rail network.

The contract was worth 144.6 million euros and, at the time, equated to approximately $AU3.45 million per tram. They were deployed between 2004 and 2007.

Due to a scaling back of the light rail network, Mintra announced that some were surplus and available for lease or for purchase.

On 7 June 2009, Premier Rann announced; ‘…….The State Government has secured a $36 million deal to deliver six European trams to Adelaide….’

Recently, on ABC radio, you stated to me that each tram had a $1 million component for spare parts, and the difference between the original purchase price of $3.5million and the $5million was to bring them to Australia, have modifications done in Melbourne, and finally deployed in Adelaide for Christmas.

You avoided my question concerning warranty, and my questions as to where and by whom maintenance work and repairs is to be done.

I obtained a detailed quotation to ship the six trams from Madrid at a cost of approximately $100,000 per tram. In addition, I have studied the modifications required, and whilst Alstom has a test facility in suburban Melbourne, I doubt that expertise is required to fit a radio or a ticket validator machine.

I believe the taxpayer is due a better explanation as to how the $36million dollars have been spent. Your off-the-cuff explanation concerning transport costs does not hold seawater.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

TREASURER SWAN....answer the bloody question!

First up. I have been a voter in Australia since 1972 and, for the sake of a better phrase, have swung like Ned.

Every now & again in your life, something happens that proves to be a turning point, an epiphany, a eureka.

Driving home this morning, I was listening to Emma Griffiths interviewing Wayne Swan on 891.

We all know what the topic was, and I was just drifting in and out because I am sick of the bloody Ute/Email/Leak thing and hoping they will get back to running the country

BUT, then this happened.

Emma asked a simple question, repeatedly. Did the Treasurer pick up a telephone and call anyone else beside Mr Grant.

His answer? '...that is not the right question...'

I was chomping away on my bit
Over the past few days, I have been glued to the Foxtel A-PAC channel trawling hours of House of Representative dribble. And it struck me, something I have known for a long time. A Politician will not give a direct, definitive answer to a direct question.

I can see Sergeant Carter spraying droplets across Gomer's chrome dome.....

I have had a gut full of these clowns.

Penny Wong is a classic, a recent graduate of the Sergeant Carter school of dribble.

Prior to donning the Senator cape, Penny presented with all the intellect in the world. Then, and without warning, off she went to some hidden camp in the Blue Mountains to be taught the rules.

And what a disciplined and well trained government monkette she has become.

No different here in South Australia, and probably the same as anywhere else.

Whilst the South Australian major parties amass their forces and scab donations from their mates for the 2010 election, a groundswell continues to grow, a swell that began many years ago.

The day will come when these clowns are cast aside, on both sides.

Having said that. This week the SA Press reported that Premier 'Miguel' Rann has committed $36million for six almost-new trams from their mates in Madrid. They cost Mintra $3.5million each back in 2004. Didn't even rate a mention in the Advertiser, only a small piece on a web site.

Treasurer Kevin 'ole folee' Foley earmarks $100million for footy whilst families are living out of motor cars, yet, nuffin from anyone.

Could be all the silent people deserve these clowns.......well, until they gotta doss down in the back of a car!

2010. Year of the Independent, maybe.

Friday, June 12, 2009

SA Government sold taxpayer-owned city building. No public tender.

When I worked in the South Australian Public Service, I and all others had strict Guidelines and Policies to follow whilst going about our duties.

A few years ago, Premier Mike Rann introduced a Code of Conduct with a bottom line. If you screwed the system, the system would screw you. Reprimands, Dismissals, that sort of stuff.

But, I began to notice ways in which my employer, the South Australian Government, was behaving that made me wonder about one-way streets. Surely, rules imposed on one, should equally apply to all others.

The building owned by and housing the Office of the Public Trustee, where I worked in the I.T. Section, was sold to Spanish Media Mogul, Javier Moll. In addition, Javier Moll had previously bought the building next door.

According to the government record, Hansard, the sale was not subject to public tender process, and it was sold for an amount considerably less than a previous property valuation.

So, there I was, sitting on the first floor of 25 Franklin Street, beating my head against a brick wall battling workplace bullying, sexual harassment, and corruption, and my employer does something I thought was suss.

Without Spain, South Australia could be stuffed:

Warship Design SPAIN
Desal Plant SPAIN
Government Buildings SPAIN

Maybe all public servants should be issued with new uniforms complete with Cordobes style hats!!

Adelaide’s Independent Weekly ran a story last year that really says it all:

Thursday, June 11, 2009

South Australian Government, The Three Stooges, and the plight of the Homeless

Egalitarian? Communist? Socialist?

When it comes to the politics of this country, I am not terribly well versed with terms such as left wing, right wing, and what do geese have to do with it anyway!

But recently, our State Treasurer and Deputy Premier, Kevin ‘ Globetrotter’ Foley, announced he has earmarked $100 million to lure AFL games to the Adelaide Oval.

On the same day, it was reported that some 8000 citizens were wandering the streets of South Australia looking for somewhere to doss down for the night.

Earlier, Minister Pat ‘MacBelfast’ Conlon announced the acquisition of six spare Madrid trams at a cost of $36 million. Oh, Mr Conlon, Mintra only paid $3.5million apiece back in 2004...BRAND NEW ONES!

In addition, 2 days ago it was announced that a further $1.1 million had been added to the Politicians chauffer-driven taxpayer-owned vehicles budget for 2009/2010.

I remember writing a Letter to the Editor of the Adelaide Advertiser back in the early 80s highlighting two juxtaposition stories in the morning paper.

A prominent headline drew attention to some metal windmills that had been erected outside the Festival Centre at an extraordinary expense to the taxpayer. And a not-so-prominent story, many pages later, conveying the plight of Adelaide’s homeless. Nearly 30 years ago.

Since my 1980s letter? Labor, Liberal, Labor, Liberal, Labor………..does not seem to matter, because according to some authoritative sources, nothing has changed for Adelaide’s homeless.

A few years ago, Premier Mike ‘Miguel’ Rann, at taxpayer expense, of course, chauffeured-in a Thinker In Residence American Roseanne Haggerty to address the homeless issue. She produced a report, ‘Ending Homelessness in South Australia’.

I still say that this Program of bringing in overseas gurus is an insult to our own experts.

Normally, I keep my thick, thickest dictionary nearby when trying to decipher one of these T-I-R reports, but unusually not the case with Ms Haggerty.

One of her recommendations stands out like a homeless mum lurking in the swank jewellery-rattling look-at-me foyer of the Festival Centre:

Get the job done.
The jurisdictional leader must make ending homelessness a personal priority and speak regularly to the goal and on the initiatives taken and success won. The leader must support the designated leader in disrupting the bureaucracy to implement an integrated, cross-agency, multi-sector effort if significant results are to be achieved. All successful communities have had strong and vocal leadership on the issue – from the top.

Well, I can stand corrected, but where this average hombre sits and observes from, I have heard Jack Crap from South Australia’s illustrious leader(s).

And this only highlights the value of the Thinker-in-Residence program if, unless, Observations & Recommendations are to be shelved away for some Stargate team to ponder over in centuries to come.

Particularly in this hardened economic period, more so when our Treasurer Kevin ‘a week in London for 5 hours of meetings’ Foley tells us all to suck it up & take it on the chin.

Like I said, I do not fully understand all those fancy words I mentioned earlier. However, some things I do know.

If you are down & out and have trouble making ends meet, your water, your electricity, your gas will more than likely be shut off.

If you got no food on the table, you might get food stamps from places such as Anglicare. But these are places that also will tell you how strapped they are for money.

Got nowhere to live? No problemo, provided you are happy dossing out for years as your name crawls up the Housing Trust waiting list.

BUT, if you want AFL games to shift from Footy Park to Adelaide Oval, the Treasurer has set aside $100 million of OUR MONEY to make it happen.

AND if you are one of the people that commute from HOME to the city JOB fear not. The State Government has assigned $36 million for 6 surplus trams sitting in some shed in Spain….oops, there’s that word again, SPAIN!

What is the answer? In this era, I doubt there is one. In 1854, there was the Eureka Stockade!

Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Six Trams for $36million, and 8000 Homeless Souls walking the streets.

Thirty Six Million Dollars for six new trams.

According to reports this morning, there are currently around 8000 homeless people walking the streets of Adelaide.

There is a story posted on,22606,25607490-2682,00.html this morning reporting that the Treasurer has factored an increase of $1.77 million for politicians chauffeur-driven vehicles and taxpayer-funded cars for the next financial year.

This will bring the 2009/2010 line to $6.66 million.

And in a strange juxtaposition, the Anglicare Winter Appeal has just been advertised on local radio as I write this Post. Begging for donations from the public.

Reading the Comments about the $1.77 million, I came across this:

I am struggling with depression because of my financial status, $260.00 a week, and when I read stuff like this, I feel like crying. it's just not bloody fair! $34,000.00! a week! thats 3 times what i get in a year! Its just wrong! can't they see that?
Posted by: Kathleen Em of Adelaide Hills 7:23am today Comment 23 of 36

It says it all. I do not need to push the barrow too hard.

I responded to Kathleen by adding my own comment:

Kathleen Em represents all that is wrong nowadays. For example, I heard on the radio this morning there are 8000 people floating around Adelaide with no where to sleep. Then this, and on top of the $36 million for trams for the very few. People can't put a decent feed on the table. Everything is upside down. And I remember writing a Letter to the Editor back in 1981 saying the same thing! We need another Eureka Stockade.
Posted by: Robbo of Wynn Vale 8:50am today Comment 36 of 37

It is difficult for me to play the critic as this has been going on since I moved to Adelaide in 1976. Liberal, Labor, Liberal, Labor…..doesn’t matter.

Some years ago, a bloke called Chipp introduced us to the Democrats with a philosophy I can relate to. I am hopeful that in the next state election, March of 2010, a record number of Independent candidates will field.

If I had squillions to play with, it would be directed to social problems, and not trams, chauffeurs, or parliamentary subsidised tucker.


Thursday, June 4, 2009

Star Trek. James Siberius Kirk? The 60s, the good old days.

Being an old dino, I grew up on the likes of Star Trek, Fireball XL5, Stingray, Dangerman, and who I refer to as the one and only Doctor Who, William Hartnell.

Speaking of Doctor Who. What a whacko nut-job series that evolved in to. No doubt I will be rained upon from great heights for that comment. But, in my opinion, subsequent Doctors were portrayed as clowns and as such began to attract a different type of viewer.

Anyway, back to the recently released Star Trek movie.

When the Trailer was released, trekkies went wild across the Net concerning the words 'James Siberius Kirk' ( as opposed to Tiberius) uttered by the young Kirk after being collared by the lawman.

Strangely, most observers claim it was a simple error.

Well, I saw the movie a few day ago, and those words are still uttered.

J.J. Abrams is not stupid. He's a marketing genius. No mistake there folks!

I was wandering around the local JB Hi-Fi store here in Adelaide last month. Almost hidden from sight, I found a 14-DVD disc boxed set called 'The Gerry Anderson Collection'.

Fireball XL5, Supercar, and The Secret Service.

Bundled is a catch-up with the old production crews who talk about their good old days. It is fascinating to watch as they show how these shows were created back in the 60s.

I was a teenager during the 60s in Belfast, Northern Ireland, and those days were incredible days.

Yep, there were bombs, and bombs, and bombs!!!! But, everything was just so much simpler.

We played in the streets, school was a hoot, and you could climb through the dunny window into any cinema.

We were broke, no home phone, no car, looked forward to Friday nights for fish & chips. And yep, just like in the movie Angela's Ashes, I loved licking the newspaper after the chips were all gone.

Errant kids got a smack around the ears from the local Peeler. We went to church and played shove-the-penny in the pews closest to the back. Your old man bought you an ice cream, propped you up on the wall next to the Bookies (TAB!), and said; "Don't tell your mother". And groups & singers didn't need to Eff this & eff that to make a living.

I want a Time Machine. (Great movie with Rod Taylor and a very hot Yvette Mimieux 1960.)

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Workplace Bullying Victim. My best advice to you, victim to victim.

Yesterday, I suddenly realised how much my 9 year fight for justice has taken from me as a person.

Without any doubt, I have been consumed by intense hatred of many things and for many people.

And I wonder were to attribute blame. Can I find justice that will help me heal.

Yes, the bully certainly shoulders blame. But, the real problems are with the system AND with me, the victim.

If you live and breathe in the South Australian Public Service, and have been subject to bullying, you would have to be a monkey’s uncle not to realise the length of the frustrating and health-damaging trek ahead.

Instead of focussing on my own recovery, I have been dwelling on the past as I look for retribution that will give me a sense of justice served.

My constant sprays at elected members, as I continue to dredge up dirt, only give rise to more muck, in my own head.

Might be that Premier Mike Rann is a nice man. I do not know. I have never met him. And I guess that when holding office you can never keep everyone happy.

Attorney-General Mick Atkinson, maybe another nice man. Like Premier Rann, I have never met him.

Though, 'tis a pity neither demonstrated an interest in my troubles.

The system is buggered, no doubt. Unless you have a management team that acts with great decisiveness, where do you go?

Already you are complaining about the bully, now you have every reason in the world to complain about your Agency’s management.

When I lie awake at night, it is because I am consumed by hatred. I doubt the bully is losing sleep. I doubt anyone else is in my wagon.

Look, I am not a Counsellor or a medico or whatever. I am just an ordinary person that took on the system and won, but only in a technical sense.

As having been there & done that, I can only say to you…… will change you, and not for the better.

Until this state has an Independent Commission against Corruption, an ICAC, my best advice is for you to get your ass out of there.

The way things are, today, you will not find your justice. You will change, but not for the better. You will get to know your Doctor on a fifth name basis. The Chemist expects you on your monthly pill pickup. You will have issues at home, with your mates, with your body.


Me? Well, I will maintain my Blog and I will take the occasional shot across the bow. But, it is time to focus on my health, my family, and myself.

At the end of the day, it might be all you have left….like me.

Unemployed Rob.


Monday, June 1, 2009

Premier Rann, Whips, Goths, and Guinness.

Workplace Bullying.
I want a Government Grant.

How about it Mr Mike ‘Miguel’ Rann?

What will I do with it?

First and foremost, a black chevy with those fancy fins at the back. Just like the Winchester car in Supernatural. Special plates too. Gotta have the 666 bit in there somewhere. Or a batmobile, whatever.

Then, I would load up the boot with all that stuff they use to vanquish the demons: salt, couple of crosses, book of spells, that sort of stuff.

Set up office on the top of the highest building in Adelaide, and survey my hunting ground.

First stop would have to be your own office, right where your platoon of media dudes hang out. I hear they love to call up Journos and abuse the bejasus out of them.

Time for all that bullying and intimidation to end me old cheese. Off ya go, a wee ferry ride across the Styx. Up on the racks the lot of ya. Whip-crack-a-way for the next billion years.

Couple of trainees would be good. Gothic type, the more rings the better.

And whilst on the theme of black, a black fridge fully stocked with….aye, Guinness. In those shiny yummy black cans imported all the way from Dublin.

Every Hunter has to have a uniform. Something like Batman’s would be just dandy.

So, there you have it, the answer to all your workplace-bullying woes.

I mean to say, anything is better than what you've been doing.....which is NOTHING!

Rob McKibbin
Hunter & Slayer of gutless bullies, corrupt politicians and bent public servants.

Saturday, May 30, 2009

South Australia Attorney-General Atkinson. Hard at work again!

I know, I’m always harping on about Members of Parliament and their overseas jaunts.

Sure, there are times when travel is necessary. This I acknowledge.

But reading these Study Tour reports makes me wanna commit unspeakable acts.

Back in December 2004, for most of December, the Attorney-General Mick Atkinson swanned across to Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Italy with his usual entourage. I assume his Chief of Staff Peter Louca was there to hold his hand, as he wrote the Report, according to the properties of the PDF file.

It reads more like a geography lesson and should have been submitted to National Geographic.

This is riveting stuff, the type of stuff that makes me do horrible things with my teeth:

'We befriended the old woman caring for the chapel who told us about the old Thessaloniki and her life under the German occupation of the Second World War.'

And his justification for spending OUR money:

'Some of the biggest ethnic community groups in South Australia, many based in my electorate of Croydon, originate from the Mediterranean. They have asked me to take an opportunity to visit their homelands to gain a better understanding of their origins, culture, language and beliefs'

And, of course, the sightseeing, sorry, cultural visits:

'In Rome we had the opportunity to visit important cultural and religious landmarks, including the colosseum and the Vatican'

Holy toledo, has any of our Polies NOT been to the Colosseum?

If you get to the end of the Summary below, I tip my hat to you. Interestingly, the author certainly does write in a very defensive way......
Summary of results and recommendations arising from the travel
I believe this travel - only the second time I have travelled overseas since I was elected in 1989 - was of benefit. I established networks that help me to converse with some of the biggest local ethnic communities. I have a markedly better understanding of the occupation of Cyprus by Turkish armed forces, a matter that has been a feature of South Australian politics for decades. I was able to establish that the Premier’s grant to some South Australian Cypriot families was being put to good effect and that these cases were proceeding apace. I recommend that the Government continue to support South Australian Cypriots in any appropriate manner to ensure the liberation and unification of the island. It is in the interests of all, on Cyprus, that peace talks succeed and they will endure if they are based on a just, lasting solution that respects international human rights standards.
In Greece, I established that South Australian volunteers to the Athens 2004 Games will be appropriately trained and that there was still a need for more skilled volunteers. I understand that this matter is being given further attention through the memorandum of understanding signed by South Australian and Greece. South Australia’s representatives to the World Council for Greeks Abroad were the stronger for the attendance of the delegation at the event. There are opportunities for stronger links between Greece and South Australia especially in the arts and culture. There are opportunities to include Greek film in our International Film Festival. There are also options for events such as the Glendi Greek Festival to source cultural artefacts and educational materials from Greece. I recommend that the South Australian Government pursue these opportunities using existing resources. Cultural and educational exchange may prompt trade.
Malta, like Cyprus, is about to become a full European Union member. Through art restorative institutions, such as the Maltese Centre for Restoration and Artlab, there is an excellent opportunity to create productive exchanges that have the potential to provide trade and educational markets. Artlab has been provided a briefing on my meetings in Malta and are now investigating avenues of mutual benefit. I understand that an appropriate joint venture could attract European Union funds. I will continue to pursue this matter. Malta should not be discounted as a source of potential immigration to South Australia. Its legacy as an English-speaking country with an understanding of our mostly British institutions make its people good candidates in our States push to increase its population. Although there are other places and sources of migration, given the size of our local Maltese-background population, chain migration could lead to settlement in South Australia rather than Sydney and Melbourne.
The Calabrian Government is keen to create better ties to South Australia. Given the devolved regional powers over trade matters in Italy there are opportunities with the Italian regions. The Italian Chamber of Commerce in South Australia has had some success in other regions of Italy and Calabria seems an untapped market. The Calabrians are genuinely interested in stronger links. Further exploration of appropriate opportunities is needed. I am maintaining contact with the regional representatives and I understand that a reciprocal delegation intends to visit South Australia.
In the Campanian region, our universities could embark on an educational partnership with Campanian universities. Similar partnerships have been established with New South Wales. I recommend that our universities investigate this matter. Italy should also be considered as a source of skilled migration to South Australia, particularly nursing and aged-care where Italian-language skills are needed.
Attachments have been provided to this report, including biographical information about some of the officials that the delegation met. Where background briefings are of use, I have attached them too. I have wherever possible credited sources for any material in this report. I extend my thanks to my colleagues Mrs Zollo and Miss Ciccarello for their assistance. I want to thank all our diplomatic representatives in each country. It is important that I acknowledge the effort of the Italian Consul to South Australia, Mr Simone di Santi, the Maltese High Commissioner, Dr Ivan Fsadni, the Consul General for Greece in South Australia, Mr Emmanuel Papadogeorgakis, and the Cyprus High Commission in Australia as well as local community leaders and my staff.
I have attached to this report transcripts of radio interviews I gave while overseas. While on this parliamentary travel, I did that which I do when I am in Adelaide and that is to ring talkback radio and tell the public what it is that I am doing as one of their elected representatives. I have been calling talkback since I was elected and I will continue to do so. That is why, when I was overseas for only the second time in my 14 years in parliament, I did what I always do, I told Adelaide listeners what I saw and did in Cyprus, Greece, Malta and Italy. Mr Speaker. I think one of the best things that we can do as members of Parliament is talk to and listen to the public. I think it is good for South Australians to know why Members of Parliament travel overseas and it is good for them to learn about the places and issues overseas that affect many of our immigrant communities here. I am not ashamed about being part of a South Australian delegation to the Mediterranean, so I had no reason to hide it. As a Member representing a very ethnically diverse constituency and as Minister for Multicultural Affairs, it is appropriate that I visit some of the principal sources of our immigrant population. I have benefited a great deal from this tour. I met many senior, influential people in each country and I believe that the visit has strengthened ties between these countries and South Australia.
Michael Atkinson M.P.
Member for Croydon

Thursday, May 28, 2009

SA Rann Government & Adelaide Reporters

Is this what it is like to be a journo in Adelaide?

I give recognition to Anonymous for this story.

• 7/11/2008 - Interview Mike Rann- An implacable hatred
Posted by Anonymous
An implacable hatred TOM RICHARDSON 7/11/2008 11:13:00 AM.

An implacable hatred You won’t read about this in the Advertiser.

A couple of weeks back, nightly TV news bulletins ran a line about Mike Rann storming out of a press conference after a heated disagreement with a reporter.

The Tiser’s Michael Owen, unhappy with Rann’s response to questions about Labor’s leadership crisis, had talked over the Premier, demanding he answer “in a professional way”. That clearly got under Rann’s skin; he retorted that he hoped “one day you will act in a professional way”, before walking off.

As he passed Owen, the reporter hit back: “The feeling’s mutual, Premier.” “I know,” said Rann. “You’re about as biased as it comes.” Rann later returned to the podium, perhaps realising that terminating a press conference in such a way is a bad look. For Owen, though, the trouble had just started.

Now, I’m not denying that Rann strongly felt he’d been wronged. He was livid and shaken about the exchange. It was certainly not treatment to which he is accustomed. So he took action to try and ensure it was not treatment he would have to deal with again. According the various sources (not Owen), the Premier called Michael Miller, Advertiser Newspapers’ managing director, who in turn called the paper’s editor, Melvin Mansell. Mansell summoned Owen and, after hearing his version, effectively cut him off at the knees. At all future media conferences, the Tiser’s political reporter must sit at the back of the room, and is banned from asking any questions. Not bad for a paper Rann recently dubbed “a Liberal newsletter”.

The fact that the spat was reported on every network that evening further inflamed the situation. Channel Ten played the entire exchange, rolling subtitles over Owen’s interjections.

Miller and Mansell determined that Owen must sign a grovelling letter of apology to Rann, something he was apparently none too keen to do. Of course, he had a choice – he could either sign the letter, or he could be fired. As a symbol of the Tiser’s willingness to back its reporters, it was not a good look. The fact is, Owen’s abrasive relationship with the government and his unwillingness to toe their line has yielded him plenty of good yarns over the past year or two, including a genuine revelation about the new Marjorie-Jackson Nelson Hospital.

The Tiser can’t expect to foster a news culture in its young newsroom if it bends to government pressure, openly cowing a senior reporter to keep the government on-side. As I say, Rann was genuinely vexed by the exchange, so it could be argued he took drastic action to address what he saw as a drastic problem. Well, that could be argued, if not for the fact that this isn’t the first time the government has campaigned to nobble a political journalist.

Kevin Naughton will certainly never forget the time he crossed the Rann Government. The former journalist, who now works as a spin doctor for the Liberal Opposition, was hosting afternoon drive-time on ABC radio in 2002. Government buildings in the CBD were in lock-down after the shooting of Margaret Tobin, amid a massive manhunt for her killer. The station was getting calls from frazzled public servants, wanting to know what was going on. As it happened, Naughton’s next guest was the Premier.

His producer informed Rann that he would be asked for an update on the situation, to which he replied that he wasn’t across it, and didn’t want any questions on the subject. This was relayed to Naughton, who insisted that the Premier should offer some reassurance. Finally, 30 seconds before the interview was due to take place, Naughton’s producer informed him that Rann had pulled the pin on the interview altogether. Incensed, the presenter relayed the entire exchange to his listeners.

This was back in the early days of the Rann administration, so there was no telling how the Premier’s office would respond. What they did was lean on the program director for an on-air apology (which they got), and then refuse to appear again with Naughton...ever.

The only other time Naughton spoke to the Premier was during the 2006 election campaign, when he was writing for the Sunday Mail. Even then, Rann had demanded the interview be conducted by someone else; the paper’s editor, Phil Gardner, informed him that he decided who wrote what at his paper, not the Premier’s office.

Then there was the almost two-year boycott of ABC891 morning duo Matthew Abraham and David Bevan.

Of course, not all the government’s efforts have been so successful. When I was at The Australian’s Adelaide bureau, Rann’s office met several times with senior executives in News Ltd to try and have the bureau’s then-political reporter, Michelle Wiese-Bockmann, removed from her post. Ministers and staffers alike took exception to her abrasive style, and believed she was out to get them with her reporting agenda.

But the principle of the media as a fourth estate suggests that it’s not up to politicians to dictate who reports the news, or how they do it. Whatever the rationale, if the newspaper had adhered to a government’s request to remove a particular reporter, for whatever reason, the credibility of that paper would never survive.

The Tiser has not removed Michael Owen, but it has effectively prevented him from doing his job. And it has sent out a message to all its reporters about whose side it is on when the chips are down.

Mansell and Miller answer to News Ltd CEO John Hartigan. Miller is a marketing man by profession, but Hartigan came up through the ranks as a reporter. Last year, he gave a laudable Andrew Olle Lecture about the state of modern journalism, its character and its soul. He lovingly quoted British journalist Nicholas Tomalin’s list of qualities every reporter should possess. Among them was “an implacable hatred of administrators, lawyers and politicians”.

I’d like to think Hartigan would disapprove of the treatment Owen is receiving, but who knows? We live in strange times. But if anyone in the media is comfortable with the principle of a State Government getting to decide who reports the news, and how, in the lead-up to an election, then, as they used to say during the Cold War: “Why don’t ya just go and live in Russia?”

Michael Owen now works for the Australian here in Adelaide.

Schapelle Corby, Prisoner Exchange, Enough is Enough?

You know, maybe enough IS enough.

Never have I been a supporter of or a believer in Schapelle Corby. Only she, and maybe a few others know the truth.

And yes, you gotta respect the law of other jurisdictions. And cop it!! Yeah, I know.

But something happened to us on returning from the U.S. last April.

Somewhere between Sydney and Adelaide, one lock that was on one of our suitcases no longer was. Gone. And the zip to the compartment was quarter open.

The thing is, we just shrugged our shoulders and muttered something about Customs checks. In reality, I don't know if they chop your locks without so much as a 'we had to' sticker.

But, on reading the paper this morning about Ms Corby being shipped off to another hospital, for some reason it caused me to remember what happened to our suitcase.

And I am not trying to get into that airport people smuggling theory.

It just made me think for a moment, that's all.

Four years she has been stuck in that crap hole. What happened to the prisoner exchange treaty? Murderers incarcerated in Australia have better living conditions and access to resources!

Maybe it is time to give this young lady a chance at true rehabilitation.

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Workplace Bullies, Public Trustee, Corruption, Workers Rights, and the Rann Wagon Train.

I have been criticised for my constant bagging of the South Australian Government, currently led by Premier Mike Rann. Not the one on the left.

My persistent criticism is easy to explain.

For 9 years, when I worked at Public Trustee, I battled the bullies and the corruption that made my life a bloody misery. And what did the Rann Government do? NOTHING!!!!!!

Ever sent someone a simple Email, and you know how quick and easy it is to CLICK the REPLY button? Even just to say 'get back to you on that '?

Weeks pass, months pass, then years passed, persisting with follow-up Emails, letters and telephone calls.....and still nothing? I didn't go away!!!

Had to resort to the Equal Opportunity Commission. Jan McMahon's union the PSA (that was a bloody joke), The Equal Opportunity Tribunal in the District Court. The State Ombudsman. Anti-corruption branch of SAPOL. Politicians. The media...and that was my undoing.

The Government unleashed its internal investigators and accused me of breaching the Public Service management Act. Within 2 weeks of appearing on Today Tonight. But hey, why not ignore my years of whistleblowing when its directed at the top of the totem pole!

NINE YEARS of nothing. I think the picture tells the story.

There is something radically wrong with the way in which this state is governed.

  • If we can build submarines, why can't we build bloody trams!
  • Why does the Government flog off buildings without a public tender...25 Franklin!
  • Why no Independent Commission against Corruption!
  • Why did the sale of a government building involve Spain!
  • Why did the design of the yet-to-be-built warships involve Spain!
  • Why does the construction of the desal plant involve Spain!
  • Why are we going to buy 6 trams out of.........Spain!
  • Why does the Premier want to eradicate the Upper House.

I do not profess to have spectacular answers. Only speculation. And with a Government so hell bent on secrecy, I can only speculate, along with 100% off the people I know, all in agreement.

I was wronged. No doubt about that. My job is gone. My Career is stuffed. My health in tatters. I just pick up the pieces. And you, Mr Premier, and 99.9% of those below you, NEVER GAVE A STUFF!!!

Trouble is, Premier Rann, when you turned your back on me, and you and the Attorney-General Atkinson, in writing, demonstrated that you didn't give a toss about your Duty of Care, you my friend created a Northern Irish radical Eureka Stockade-inspired nitpicking pain in the arse monster that will thunder along next to your wagon train......all the way!

Yep, the picture says it all.

Monday, May 25, 2009

South Australian Politicians, Zero Mostel, Turbulence, Travel Reports (Part 4)

What is it about the House of Commons in London. There must be something, extraordinary.

Why? Because, South Australian elected members are always going there.

I just can't get these Travel Reports out of my system. In fact, I have been slowly but surely going crazy during the past week. I have read them all.

Now, a couple of things really, really stick out. First, the terminology.

You see, Politicians do not sight see. I quote, they go on 'cultural visits'. Yep, they all do this cultural thing, whilst the rest of us sight see.

Back in August of 2007, Ms Lindsay Simmons, Member for Morialta, was playing culture vulture at the Forum, in Italy (Zero Mostel, 1966). Oh, and the Colosseum, and the Tomb of Popes. Fantastic, and as a taxpayer I am absolutely in a state of total unashamed gratitude for the positives those experiences brought back to the state. MY MONEY was well spent.

Getting back to London. The list is too long. I was going to waffle on about each & every member that felt it necessary to visit the House of Commons. They all said the same thing, the same justification. Need to know how it works.

Well boys & girls, here's the link. And it will cost us, the taxpayer, bugger all. Go grab a cuppa in that subsidised canteen of yours, take your taxpayer funded lappie, and.....get to know how it works. See, easier than turbulence.

Kris Hanna was doing it back in 2002, (the earliest on-line reports) and Lynn Bruer, Member for Giles, just after Christmas. Oh Lynn, bad time to go to the UK. Christmas break and all that. That was bad timing.....yeah right!

Thursday, May 21, 2009

The Deputy Premier the Hon Kevin Foley, London, Red Bull, and Bollocks

Who: The Honourable Kevin Foley. Deputy Premier, South Australia Government.

Where: London

When: 7 August 2008 to 14 August 2008.

What: Sheer Exhaustion

Again I say that I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed, but I must be missing something.

Maybe 50 pages of the Report fell out on the way across cyberville. It is difficult to focus on a particular issue with the report as, well, there is bugger all to it. Just a lot of tables and facts that anyone could get via Google.

He did chuck in a lovely map of the UK, and it was sweeeeeet to see him acknowledge my home country of Northern Ireland.

This will be easy. Here is what you, the taxpayer, got for your money:


3pm. Meeting with CEO of Connaught

Big fat blank

7.00pm Dindins with the Agent General

12.30pm Lunch with Agent General
2.30pm Meeting with CEO Ultra Electronic

9.00am - 10am Meeting with Genesis
11.00 am - noon Meeting with Credit Suisse

2.00pm - 3.00pm Meeting with Fidelity

1.40pm off to New York.

When I worked in the Public Service, had I presented this itinerary for approval, I would have been laughed out of the room. A big, fat knockback!!

Apart from the obvious fact that Kevo and Billyboy (Agent General Bill Muirhead) must have really hit it off on the Sunday, or it could have been an all-nighter finishing Monday lunchtime, we taxpayers got just under ONE business day of meetings out of our Deputy Premier's 8 day Qantas-frequent-flyer-pointed, expenses-every-day stopover.

At least he stayed at one of London's cheaper hotels, the Radisson Leicester. Room rates between $430 and $930 per night.

Holy toldeo, I would just love to work for Kevie. Though, with that hectic schedule to follow, methinks Red Bull!

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

Senator Wong, Premier Rann, and Polly Waffles

In this morning's Advertiser, Senator Wong declared that she '.......plans to have the ailing Murray-Darling system nursed back to health within 10 years......'.

Maybe she will, maybe she will not. Maybe the next Government, if the current mob gets the boot!

It does make me THINK about the experts Premier Rann has been herding in to South Australia during the past 6 years. Thinkers-In-Residence.

Having honourably served my time in the Public Service, I did marvel at how others beamed when the word OVERSEAS was uttered. That magical kingdom, beyond our shores, concealing experts with all the answers.

However, a quick Google of the phrase 'visting australian expert' will equally suggest that we too, here in the land of water-for-some BUT not-for-others, are held in high regard by the rest of the world.

Though, one visiting Australian expert, in New Zealand, stated that ' machines are unsafe products.....'. For a moment I drifted to the land of the head scratch.

To my point. Return On Investment (ROI). A term foreign to many Servants of the Public.

On carefully reviewing some of the Thinkers-in-Residence reports, I wonder what return the taxpayer got measured against the cost. In a way, these Reports uncomfortably remind me of the Travel Reports this state's elected members submit on their return from OVERSEAS.

I have discussed some in my Blog already.

The Honourable Jennifer Rankine on returning from Europe: "Children don't learn from people they don't like"

In the beginning, Senator Wong, before she became Senator, impressed me by the megalitre with her strong and decisive rhetoric. Unfortunately, my opinion has changed, since intently observing her fielding questions from a Committee this year.

The Polie Waffle, and she has it down pat. It is as though newly elected members are put through some waffle boot camp on arrival in Canberra.

It would be so refreshing to hear YES, or NO, or I REALLY DON'T KNOW, but I will get back to you on that one!

Monday, May 18, 2009

Did the State Government Goofy phone call the Editor and tell him to lay off?

Do Politicians pick up their telephones, call the Big Kahuna at the newspaper and say; “I would consider it a personal favour if you did not draw attention to this issue”.

I am not a Journalist. I am not a Politician. I do not work for anyone in the media or within the confines of Parlie House. Like many others, I read papers, I watch the telly and I talk at the pub.

In March of 2000, I embarked on what I thought was to be a two day quest to sort out some silly behaviour by my Manager in the Public Service.

For the past nine years, I have been embroiled in a war seeking justice. Unfortunately for me, the more I ranted & raved, the more I was punished!

Here in Adelaide South Australia, there was a furore in 2008 when the Manager of a rural prison gave permission for a Christmas Party, a gathering of the inmates. Some of these inmates dressed in drag and sang YMCA.

When the story broke, it was front-page news. For days, the media flooded the community with exquisite detail of every possible aspect surrounding the event.

The Manager was named, and shamed. Maybe rightly so.

The Government moved swiftly. Before the ink dried, she was relocated to an administrative position in the city, and an Inquiry convened. Moreover, before we were allowed to forget, the Inquiry meted out punishment and the media twirled the torchlight elsewhere.

Now, this is where I get confused, and when I get confused, I draw conclusions, rightly or wrongly. I try to explain away the confusions.

The office of the Public Trustee is responsible for, as reported in its 2007/2008 Annual Report, ‘…more than $1 billion of clients’ funds and assets under management…’

This Agency has been under the spotlight in recent years for all the wrong reasons. Allegations of entrenched workplace bullying, financial mismanagement, and sexual improprieties. Throw in a Police investigation, an extensive Government internal investigation, and a current Parliamentary Inquiry and you have all the ingredients for a media frenzy.

Considering the enormity of the sum total of events, and the fact that ONE BILLION DOLLARS of the public's money is involved, many others and I expected more from the local media. Other than my appearance on a local Current Affairs television show, there has been bugger all else!

I just cannot reconcile the attention given to the cross-dressing affair at the Port Lincoln Prison, to the lack of attention given to the alleged mismanagement of other people’s money, ONE BILLION DOLLARS of other people’s money.

One thing I know. The Government, for many years, moved very, very slowly on issues at Public Trustee. On the other hand, the Government moved very, very quickly to dump the Port Lincoln prison manager.

Do politicians pick up the phone? I do not know. However, it would be disturbing if this were a practice to which the media favourably reacted.

From what I have read in the local press, our Premier, Mike Rann, did just that when he chucked a mental at an Advertiser reporter during a press conference. I saw the video on television. He behaved like a goose. It was reported he demanded that the reporter pull his head in.

Maybe some of them do pick up the phone!

Country Prison frenzy.,23599,21752777-2,00.html
Financial Mismanagement allegations, Public Trustee.,,24663578-5006301,00.html

Sunday, May 17, 2009

ADELAIDE: Must have been stuff in our water over the weekend!

Davy Crockett robs newspaper van:,22606,25495806-2682,00.html

Drunk woman on a horse caught directing traffic:,22606,25495748-2682,00.html

1812 Overture, Napoleon, Russians, and Workplace Bullying

There is a bit near the end of the 1812 overture that goes something like this:

do do do do do do do do do do.......... then, the cannons crack in.

This is the turning point toward victory over Russia's '...treacherous and cruel enemies....', the invading French, led by Napoleon.

The do-do-do bit depicts throngs of peasants pouring into Moscow from their villages and from their towns.

SOLIDARITY! Then the miracle. The deep freeze sets in, the Russians capture the French guns now firmly stuck in the snow and they turn those guns against the poor buggers who had dragged them across Europe. Conscripts, cannon fodder.

A lesson I learned over the years when fighting workplace bullying relates to work colleagues. Confronting the CEO, en masse, is much more effective than waddling in, on your own, with a cupof tea.

Now, this is the interesting bit. Unless you have had a different experience to me, and others I know:


Why? Easy to answer, easy to illustrate by example. Some months ago I met someone I had worked with during the years I was swilling around in the pit with Workplace Bullies. After the obligatory, "How are ya?", I gently skated toward the sixty-four million dollar question. Why did no one back me up?

He said; "Rob, we saw what they were doing to you and we didn't want the same treatment."

No consolation to me as he was heading back to his fortnightly paid position and I was heading back to the trench to fossick for coins.

But, I understood. So, don't expect a great deal of trench warfare support from your work colleagues, but do empathise.

Was Napoleon a bully? Depends on what side of the road you park your bicycle on. But one thing I do know. The last image entering the eyeballs of anyone that bullied him would have been the glint bouncing off his 32 inch sword!

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Parliamentary Inquiry: Public Trustee

To give hope to victims of workplace bullying, click on the link and get a sense of where one individual, moi, has taken an employer to task.,,25028667-2682,00.html

Let me share the feelings. Whilst the past 9 years have been bloody disturbing and abhorrent, there have been moments of solitary bliss. One of those days was last February. The news article gives an insight.

I couldn't believe it. After 9 years out there on my own, no one ever backing me up, I sat in front of 6 state politicians spilling my guts. Though, I did sense some derision from the 2 members of the state's ruling party, but that was to be expected.

I still have another quest, and that is for a Royal Commission Inquiry into the Office of the Public Trustee and the Attorney-General's Department. I will never, ever give up!

So, and I am speaking to you, the person reading this story. If YOU are in the throes or at the beginning of your life experience in the disgusting & challenging swill pit of Workplace Bullying, have hope. People make things happen. But one thing for sure, don't expect to have the same friends at the end of your ordeal. I guarantee many surprises along the way.


Friday, May 15, 2009

More on South Australian Politicians Travel Reports (Part 3)

From 4 August 2004 to 25 August 2004, the Minister for Families and Communities, the Honourable Ms Jennifer Rankine, swanned off to the UK and Spain to study issues concerning childhood development and learning and to study issues concerning volunteers.

Again, I make no excuse for extracting bits & pieces from a rather lengthy document.

  • Children don't learn from people they don't like
  • Children don't learn if they are not well
  • The relationship between parents and their children is recognised as critical to a child's development


  • Not all volunteers are good people.

Look, I am not setting out to 'have a go ' at Ms Rankine, because I do have respect for her and she does represent my Electorate.

My issue is with taxpayers monies being spent on some trips that on reading the subsequent travel reports make me think they were a waste of time and nothing meaningful was gained.

Since 1977, I have been employed within the Government (14 years) and I have been contracted by the Government whilst self-employed (15 years), and during those years I never ever saw a copy of any travel report being circulated amongst the plebs. Let's face it, why keep all that new knowledge to yourself. The plebs are out there in the front line, and the Minister is back to Parlie House, cheap lunches, and a chauffeur.

It is my belief and my understanding that travel reports, most of the time, are written by someone else. In this particular case, by PNSG, according to the file properties of the PDF file.

So, the Minister wings overseas, meets people, goes on a few tours, scribbles a few notes, gathers a few brochures & reports, and on return to Adelaide tosses them across to the assistant.

Whoever PNSG is, I think you should not have included comments such as '...children don't learn if they are not well...'

It only attracts critics, like me.

Wednesday, May 13, 2009


In my Equal Opportunity Tribunal Determination of 25 June 2004, Judge Rice stated:

'.......There is no reason why Mr McKibbin should have to find another position or even be put in the position where he felt he should be looking for another position.......'

Simple question; "What have you done wrong?"

You stood up to (or are standing up to) workplace bullying. And that takes guts. Been there & done that, and it is not easy, particularly if the allegations are levelled up the chain of command. My challenge was finding someone to listen who was higher than the highest, if you get my drift.

At the end of the day, only you know how much punishment your health can take should you embark on this arduous trek.

I found a sackful of daily difficulties. Standing in the kitchen making a cuppa and in walks the bully, or one of his mates. Attending meetings managed by the bully and being ignored. Having leave requests ignored. More intense scrutiny of my work. The bully telling lies about me, in front of others. And so on.

I can only offer this piece of advice. And it is advice you will find difficult to swallow.

Somewhere along the track, maybe many years later, you might be lucky enough to find yourself in a room, as I was on several occasions, with the bully and with a person of greater authority passing judgment.


Until that day comes, smile at the bully, say good morning to the bully, and always be pleasant to the bully. Don't play the game. Don't stoop to that gutter level. Do you really think the bully is losing sleep, like you? The bully is not dry-retching on the way to work. The bully is not feeling embarrassed at meetings.

Look, you don't have to go out of your way to engage these animals. But, I always remember leaving that kitchen with a smile on my face after seeing him squirm as I stood there smiling & saying good morning.

I guarantee, on a daily basis you are NOT going to score points. This is why you must THINK STRATEGIC. Focus on the end result. Judgment Day!

And focus on the ladder you will have to climb. For example, when I went to the Equal Opportunity Commission the first question was '......have you spoken to HR in the Attorney-General's Department....'. Don't try to reach for the top rung first. You do need to follow whatever processes are in place, whether you think they work or not.

In doing this, set time frames for each step. You don't want this to drag on for years as in my case. I wish I knew then what I know now. In every piece of correspondence request a reply by a particular date, and state quite clearly your intention to escalate should a response not be forthcoming. And don't expect quick fixes!

Make sure you have a documented medical history assuming, of course, the bullying is affecting your health.


This is gold in a Court of Law.

If your brain and your body are suffering to the point where depression sets in, get the hell out. Better to be a living witness than a dead combatant!
